Cake sculpting tips: 6 Amazing Cake Sculpting Tips

Do you get intimated when you think about cake sculpting or carving cakes? I won’t say that is easy, but you don’t need to be intimidated either. I will let you in on a little secret, even the best cake decorators use templates. So what are you saying? I am saying that with some patience, time and practice you can get to the next level of carving cakes. Maybe not like on TV at first but eventually, you will get better at it.

Sculpted Cake take HOURS to create. I know they make it look easy on TV and they seem to create these elaborate cakes.  But, that is not realistic timing. A lot of time is spent with little details and planning.  There is even more pressure if you are asked to create a very popular character. It is from this perspective I created these six cake sculpting tips to help you.6 Amazing Cake Sculpting Tips|Learn what recipe to use, structure, decide between ganache or buttercream

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6 Amazing Cake Sculpting tips

  1. Planning
  2. Creating a template
  3. Structure
  4. What is the right recipe?
  5. Ganache versus buttercream
  6. What Tools to use?


What I have learned from each sculpted cake that I make is that sometimes things do not go as planned. Always have a backup plan just in case the first plan doesn’t work.  Also, you have to be willing to accept changes and be flexible to make adjustments. In addition, be prepared to make mistakes, everyone makes mistakes, but that is a part of learning.  I have made cakes that I refuse to take out of the vault, not because I was not good enough, but it did not come out the way I expected.

Planning is the key to having a perfectly executed cake.  At this stage you make your cake template, make a list of all the ingredients needed, figure out how much cake batter to bake, how much buttercream, ganache, modeling chocolate or fondant to make and what structure to use if any at all.  In addition, gather all the necessary tools you might need.  It is also at the planning stage that you determine what will be cake, modeling chocolate or fondant.  Then determine what kind of board you need, sometimes, the usual cake base will not work.  A heavier cake needs a wooden board or MDF wood.

Creating a Template

The first step of cake sculpting planning is to create a template.  To create a template you need different angles especially the front, top and side shot. It is super important to make sure you are in proportion. This step is often overlooked, but it is one of the most important steps. Creating a template will help you determine how much cake to make, the structure you need etc. you get the idea.

For the first time since I have been decorating cakes, I made a very important cake “Optimus Prime” without a template. I know what you are thinking what…. Yes… I did, but hear me out, I was a bit ambitious. I purchased all the parts from Lowes and was super excited about the idea. While it was not entirely a disaster it was a ginormous cake, considering it was only for a few people. If I had used my usual method of making the template ahead of time, I would have changed everything about the structure.

Because I refuse to be defeated, I eventually made a 2nd version of Optimus Prime which was more the size of what I should have done in the first place.

So how do I go about creating a template?

I use either Microsoft Paint or Microsoft Word to create my templates. When I decide on a template that I could use, I increase the size of the photo to the size cake I need.  Once printed I measure each area such as the leg, torso arms etc and determine what size rods, armature etc I need. If you look closely you will see my measurements on the Optimus Prime template. I bring the photo along with me and the measurements to the hardware store and bug the employees to cut the steel rods and MDF board for me (they don’t usually do this for you).  You need to plan this out because sometimes you need to go to two different stores, my local hardware store does not sell MDF boards.

Cake sculpting tips creating a template|Optimus Prime


Structure or no Structure.  The structure is very important when making a sculpted cake. When creating any sculpted cake, I usually mark out where I want to place my structure and measure the height and length of the structure. My advice on the structure is to always overbuild. Overbuilding gives you peace of mind that your cake won’t crumble during delivery.

There are some sculpted cakes that do not need elaborate structure, you might need a dowel or two, but that is it.  The structure is based on the cake project.  The cake below did not need any structure at all.  Another example is the steak cake that I made earlier this year.cake sculpting tips

The structure and templates are a part of my initial planning process. I dislike having to start all over again. The structure you build depends on the project that you are making.  Some cakes only need dowels while others need armature and or steel rods, you determine this based on the cake.  The Optimus Prime needed some structure for legs and body.  I used steel rods for his legs and body, armature wires for his arm and foam core to hold up his body. Because his head is small, I did not need another board to support the head.  All these things need to be decided in the planning phase.Cake Sculpting Tips|Optimus Prime structure At this point I decided not to make his legs out of a cake or modeling chocolate, I used fondant mixed with tylose powder.

Cake Sculpting Tips|Optimus Prime cake structure

What type of cake should I use?

The best recipe for carved cakes is usually dense cake or a butter-based cake. Yes…you can use cake mix but you would have to create a doctored version to make it sturdy. Also, it is better to work with a cold cake than a fresh cake. Some people suggest a frozen cake, but I have been very successful with cold cakes.  It is best to wrap the cake in plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator overnight and then carve.

The goal is to have a cake that will not crumble on you.  Also, I usually place the cake on a removable board so that I can easily take it off the structure and refrigerate.  This means you will have to create holes in the board and cake to add to the structure.  This is my secret for cakes that the structure and cake do not fit in the refrigerator.  For this cake, I used a cold chocolate cake that I cut to fit the middle structure.   I carved out space for the arms to fit.

Ganache versus buttercream

Ganache is one of my favorites for carved cakes it makes the cake sturdy. Sometimes I use buttercream for the filling and ganache for the outside. Ganache sets firm and is perfect when your cake doesn’t exactly fit in the refrigerator.  You can use all ganache also and flavor it for a great tasting filling.  For more tips on ganache ratios, use this post.  For the Optimus Prime cake I used buttercream inside and ganache on the outside.Cake sculpting tips|Optimus Prime adding ganache

Cake Sculpting tools

For sculpted cakes, I usually have a few go-to tools at a minimum I use as knives, sculpting or modeling tools, scalpel or Xacto knife, and rolling pins.  I usually use three different size knives.  One is a green (my favorite color) pairing knife that I used to make small cuts and a medium size serrated knife and ginormous cake knife that I use depending on the project.  Very rarely do I use the large knife unless I am torting a large piece of cake.

Other tools include sculpting tools, I used the Dresden tool a lot.  Innovative Sugarworks has these amazing sugar shapers that I use all the time they help tuck fondant in tiny areas.  The scalpel or Xacto knife is perfect for making sharp and smooth cuts.  This gives your fondant or modeling chocolate a nice look.

Smoothing cake

Finally smoothing the cake.  Sculpted cakes usually have various shapes and getting buttercream or ganache smooth is important for a smooth fondant. I use flexible smoothers, for a smooth cake they get around weird shapes and corners.  I use a variety of sizes, but you can also use acetate.  Acetate sheets are a great replacement for flexible smoothers. I use whatever I have on hand to get the smoothness I am looking for.  Flexible smoothers can be used on fondant or modeling chocolate.  The reason I use flexible smoothers is that it is difficult to use spatulas on certain angles, or weird corners.

To smooth out the Optimus Prime cake I ran the flex smoother under some warm water and smoothed out the ganache.

Final Cake

For the final cake add fondant or modeling chocolate.  I used fondant for his head, arms, and legs.Cake sculpting tips|Optimus Prime before final paint and sword

Cake after all the details are added.  Finished with a sword.Cake Sculpting Tips|Optimus Prime cake

Do you have any cake sculpting tips? Comment below.  As always happy caking.


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