The Best Strawberry Italian Meringue Buttercream Frosting

This Strawberry Italian Meringue Buttercream Frosting (IMBC) is to die for. It is made by adding my delicious Strawberry Jam recipe which is all natural. If you are looking for a change in your normal buttercream. This is the buttercream for you.

It is so good I literally couldn’t stop eating it. It is light and fluffy and delicious and pipes really well. I was afraid that by adding the Strawberry Jam to the buttercream it will get less stable, not the case at all.


The Best Strawberry Italian Meringue Buttercream|Need to jazz up your buttercream frosting? Why not try the best strawberry buttercream frosting made with real strawberries

Need I say more…

Strawberry season is usually an indicator that the weather is getting warmer. Warm weather is not a cake decorators friend. Therefore, for summer, I usually stick with Italian Meringue Buttercream, the most stable of all the Meringue buttercreams (see my review of them here). With that said do not put any buttercream cake in the heat, it will melt.  For some reason, I always picture a horror show of my cake melting (if this happens please do not tell me about it ok). I want to keep the perfectly decorated cake in my head.  I have never experimented with shortening (which does not melt) instead of butter for the summer weather. For now, I use one percent buttercream.

This Strawberry Italian Meringue buttercream is perfect for summer and can be paired with any one of these cake flavors: strawberry, vanilla, white or even chocolate.The Best Strawberry Italian Meringue Buttercream|Need to jazz up your buttercream frosting? Why not try the best strawberry buttercream frosting made with real strawberries

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This recipe makes 4 cups of buttercream.

Materials Needed:

Place the sugar and the water in a small saucepan. Then add a candy thermometer inside. Boil the sugar until it reaches 240°F.

The Best Strawberry Italian Meringue Buttercream|Need to jazz up your buttercream frosting? Why not try the best strawberry buttercream frosting made with real strawberries

Separate the egg whites from the yolk one at a time and place into a stand mixer, with the whisk attachment.

The Best Strawberry Italian Meringue Buttercream|Need to jazz up your buttercream frosting? Why not try the best strawberry buttercream frosting made with real strawberries

Mix the egg whites until it reaches a stiff peak (should be glossy). When the sugar reaches 240°F, turn the mixer on high then pour the sugar syrup slowly into the meringue. Be very careful here.

The Best Strawberry Italian Meringue Buttercream|Need to jazz up your buttercream frosting? Why not try the best strawberry buttercream frosting made with real strawberries

Mix until the bowl is cool to the touch. Then add butter one piece at a time. The meringue will look curdled at first and look like it’s not working but just keep mixing until it comes together.

The Best Strawberry Italian Meringue Buttercream|Need to jazz up your buttercream frosting? Why not try the best strawberry buttercream frosting made with real strawberries

Then add the strawberry extract, then the vanilla extract. Mix until this is combined.

The Best Strawberry Italian Meringue Buttercream|Need to jazz up your buttercream frosting? Why not try the best strawberry buttercream frosting made with real strawberries

The Buttercream should look like this.

The Best Strawberry Italian Meringue Buttercream|Need to jazz up your buttercream frosting? Why not try the best strawberry buttercream frosting made with real strawberries

The final test is to place some buttercream on a spatula and see if the buttercream falls off the spatula.  If it falls off mix for a few more minutes.  Turn the mixer on low then add the Strawberry Jam.

The Best Strawberry Italian Meringue Buttercream|Need to jazz up your buttercream frosting? Why not try the best strawberry buttercream frosting made with real strawberries

Mix until combined.

The Best Strawberry Italian Meringue Buttercream|Need to jazz up your buttercream frosting? Why not try the best strawberry buttercream frosting made with real strawberries

Add a few drops of pink gel color to bring out the color.

The Best Strawberry Italian Meringue Buttercream|Need to jazz up your buttercream frosting? Why not try the best strawberry buttercream frosting made with real strawberries

Look how beautiful that looks.

I used to frost some vanilla cupcakes. But pairs well a strawberry cake.

That’s it.  Feel free to let me know if you like it as much as I do. Happy Caking.

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The Ultimate Buttercream Guide

The Amazing Brown Sugar Italian Meringue Buttercream

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The Best Strawberry Italian Meringue Buttercream|Need to jazz up your buttercream frosting? Why not try the best strawberry buttercream frosting made with real strawberries

The Best Strawberry Italian Meringue Buttercream|Need to jazz up your buttercream frosting? Why not try the best strawberry buttercream frosting made with real strawberries

The Best Strawberry Italian Meringue Buttercream Frosting

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Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes
Servings 4 cups


  • 4 egg whites
  • 3/4 + 1/8 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 2 sticks 8ozs unsalted butter
  • 1/2 tsp strawberry extract
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup Strawberry Jam


  • Place the sugar and the water in a small saucepan. Then add a candy thermometer inside. Boil the sugar until it reaches 240°F.
  • Separate the egg whites from the yolk one at a time and place into a stand mixer, with the whisk attachment.
  • Mix the egg whites until it reaches a stiff peak (should be glossy). When the sugar reaches 240°F, turn the mixer on high then pour the sugar syrup slowly into the meringue. Be very careful here.
  • Mix until the bowl is cool to the touch. Then add butter one piece at a time. The meringue will look cuddled at first and look like it's not working but just keep mixing until it comes together.
  • Then add the strawberry extract, then the vanilla extract. Mix until this is combined.
  • The final test is to place some buttercream on a spatula and see if the buttercream falls off the spatula. If it falls off mix for a few more minutes. Turn the mixer on low then add the Strawberry Jam. Mix until combined.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!




  1. Carissa Nelson | Spoonful of Easy | 12th Jun 18

    Love that this calls for strawberry jam! I’m thinking it would be fun to do the three flavors into kind of a Neapolitan frosting combo!

    • G | 12th Jun 18

      Hi Carissa. Thank you for comment. The addition of the strawberry jam makes it taste so good. Kind of like ice cream. The Neopolitan frosting sounds really great ?.

  2. Robyn | 25th Aug 18

    I would like to make the italian meringue frosting with raspberry jam, have you ever done that. I’m making 250 cupcakes fo my daughter’s wedding lemon cupcake with raspberry frosting, chocolate cupcake with cookies and cream, vanilla cupcake with chocolate frosting and carrot cake cupcakes with vanilla frosting. What would I add for the chocolate? Do you leave it planpin for the vanilla or do you add extra extract? The cupcak s are made and frozen but I’m lookinf to fros everything on Thursday and serve on Saturday in September. Are you saying I should substitute butter with shortening or is it safe to use the butter? Doesn’t it change the taste and consistency? Sorry to throw all of this at you, just finding different comments on different recipes. Thank you for assistance

    • G | 26th Aug 18

      Hi Robyn,
      Congratulations on your daughter’s wedding. I have tried Italian Meringue buttercream with shortening and I did not like the taste or the texture. With that said, I use it all year round including in the summer months and it holds up fine as long as it is not sitting outside in the heat. Hope this helps.

  3. Robyn | 25th Aug 18

    What measurements should I use to make chocolate and do I use cocoa powder. Do you use this plain for vanilla.

    I want to frost cupcakes on Thursday and use them on Saturday but don’t have refrigeration, will this recipe work?

    Can I substitute raspberry jam for the strawberry and would store bought jam be good enough! I didn’t make raspberry jam this year

    Thanks for your help

    • G | 25th Aug 18

      Hi Robyn,
      I usually use melted chocolate 4 ounces for this recipe. I have never tried cocoa powder. To get vanilla leave it plain.

      Yes it would work for Saturday, but for cupcakes I would frost them closer to Saturday.

      Yes you can substitute raspberry jam and of course store bought is ok.

      Let me know how it works out.

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